O2 launches AV ‘lab’ in Oxfordshire using StreetDrone vehicles

O2’s announcement of a new CAV “lab” is great news and means that StreetDrone’s vehicle and software stack are now present across most of the UK’s AV testbeds.
Pressing Re-Set on Autonomous Mobility Pt2

In the second of a two-part conversation with Mike Potts, CEO of StreetDrone, he lends us his thoughts on the outlook for post-Covid autonomous mobility – better, worse or just different? Q – Mike, we spoke at some length a week ago about the outlook for post-Covid autonomous mobility, specifically about the need to remove […]
Pressing Re-Set on Autonomous Mobility Pt1

In the first of a two-part conversation with Mike Potts, CEO of StreetDrone, he lends us his thoughts on the outlook for post-Covid autonomous mobility – better, worse or just different? Q – Mike, of course there are far more pressing issues out there at the moment than autonomous mobility, but how do you think […]
[Hello World!] – Localisation (NDT)

In this new series of fortnightly technical blogs, StreetDrone is going to lift the LiD(-AR) on one aspect of autonomous driving software development. Our “Hello World!” series is written by software engineer Efimia Panagiotaki, a tech-trotter with engineering experience ranging from the National Technical University of Athens to ETH Zurich to Williams Formula 1. Efimia […]
Parking Cars Together

At StreetDrone towers, while we’re busy developing the tech that makes it easier & safer for cities to deploy autonomous urban services, it’s not unknown to run into problems. One of our mantras has always been that problems are best solved by throwing some unique and specialist engineers together in a room and an hour […]